• Rebel aims to invest in the top 10% of startups (top 0.1% of applicants) from Y Combinator, the #1 accelerator in the world with 90+ unicorns and $600B+ in portfolio company value. The fund’s investing partners are accomplished Y Combinator alumni who have co-founded companies now valued at over $100B in aggregate — including Reddit, Instacart, Cruise, Gusto, Scribd, Rappi, and more — and together invested in 150+ startups with top-decile portfolio returns. Rebel has unique access to top Y Combinator startups with a >98% deal win rate, typically pre-Demo Day. The fund utilizes a proprietary machine-learning algorithm called Rebel Theorem 2.0 to help validate and screen potential investments, building a diversified portfolio of Y Combinator startups that is statistically powered to outperform.


    A team of top Y Combinator alumni who have co-founded companies now valued over $85B in aggregate and support Rebel’s due diligence, investment decisions, and portfolio support part-time while running their respective companies.

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    Steve Huffman


    YC S05

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    Daniel Kan


    YC W14

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    Max Mullen


    YC S12

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    Trip Adler


    YC S06

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    Jonathan Hirsch


    Non-YC biotech partner

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    Sebastian Mejia


    YC W16

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    Dan Siroker


    YC W10


    Our Managing Partner is a successful serial entrepreneur turned top-decile fund manager, bringing decades of technology startup operating and investing experience to support our portfolio founders. As a founder, he's built startups backed by the world's top venture capital funds and led companies to successful exits, and as an investor, built venture funds that have seeded technology startups now valued at over $20B in aggregate.

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    Jared Heyman

    Managing Partner

    Co-Founder of Infosurv & Intengo (acq LON:NFC), CrowdMed (YC W13), Pioneer Fund & Rebel Fund


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    Richard Sussman

    Strategic Partner (Fund I)

    Partner at Black Dragon Capital, Co-Founder of Nordic Eye & Rebel Fund


  • Knowledge sharing

    On Rebel Theorem 3.0


    Rebel Fund has now invested in nearly 200 top Y Combinator startups, collectively valued in the tens of billions of dollars and growing. As an extremely data-driven fund, along the way we’ve built the world’s most... read more

    On the power law of Y Combinator startups

    As my long-time readers of my blog posts know, Rebel Fund maintains the largest and most comprehensive database of Y Combinator startups and founders that exists outside of YC itself. We use the millions of data... read more

    On the Y Combinator Summer 2023 batch

    As my long-time readers know, Rebel Fund builds and maintains the most comprehensive database that exists of Y Combinator startups and founders (perhaps outside of YC itself) with hundreds of thousands of new data points.... read more

    On the 176% annual return of a YC startup index

    As my long-time readers know, I’ve written dozens of data-driven blog posts on Y Combinator startups over the years, but I’m yet to answer the single most important question about YC startups from the perspective.... read more

    On the Y Combinator Winter '23 batch (written with GPT-4)

    Rebel Fund is one of the largest and most prolific investors in Y Combinator startups and builds the most comprehensive database that exists of new YC startups each year to feed our proprietary... read more

    On Y Combinator startups and the AI revolution

    ChatGPT launched on November 30, 2022, and gained over one million users within five days. Now a couple of months later, it’s fully mainstream with over 100 million users — this is faster mass adoption of... read more

    On Rebel Theorem 2.0

    A couple of years ago I published On Rebel Theorem to reveal the proprietary machine-learning algorithm we use at Rebel Fund to maximize our odds of success investing in tomorrow’s top Y Combinator startups... read more

    On YC startup exits

    As a venture capital fund manager, one of the questions I’m asked most often by LPs is “How long will it take to get my money back?” At Rebel Fund, our job is to invest in the top 5–10% of new Y Combinator... read more

    On 101 Y Combinator unicorns

    In August 2022, Y Combinator released its latest Top Companies list, now including 314 private and 16 public YC startups each valued at over $150M. YC officially reported ‘over 80’ of these startups to be valued at... read more

    On the shifting landscape of YC batches (2023 update)

    A few years ago, I wrote a post On the shifting landscape of YC batches to analyze statistical trends in Y Combinator startups by industry over time. Since Rebel Fund has since collected hundreds of thousands of... read more

    On the life and death of Y Combinator startups

    I’ve written much over the years about the incredible success of Y Combinator startups, but as any experienced startup founder or investor knows, there is a dark side to technology innovation… lots of startups just don't... read more

    On the Y Combinator “premium” (2022 update)

    One of the most common complaints I hear amongst Y Combinator startup investors is their sky-high valuations. It’s not uncommon for YC startups to raise capital at 2-3 times the valuation of their non-YC peers at... read more

  • Event PHOTOS

    LP Wine & Olive Oil Tasting Event 2024

    Napa Valley, California

    Annual General Meeting 2024

    San Francisco, California

    LP Wine Tasting Event 2023

    Napa Valley, California

    Annual General Meeting 2023

    San Francisco, California

    LP Wine Tasting Event 2022

    Napa Valley, California

    Annual General Meeting 2022

    San Francisco, California

  • portfolio

    Rebel has made 100+ investments to date across a wide variety of technology verticals

    AccessOwl (S22)

    Okta for Startups

    Airbyte (W20)

    Unlocking ad-blocked traffic across all your tools

    Albedo (W21)

    Albedo captures the highest resolution satellite imagery

    Allows brands to fully address the main challenges related to e-commerce

    A proprietary feed additive that stops methane emissions from cattle

    Using CRISPR to find treatments for cancer

    Alt Tex (S22)

    ALT TEX creates biodegradable and carbon neutral textiles engineered from food waste

    Amiloz (W22)

    Tech enabled inventory supplier for corner stores in LatAm

    Anchor (S22)

    Banking-as-a-service & embedded finance platform for Africa.

    We're building the "Nintendo of surgery"

    Anfin (W22)

    Stock trading and wealth management for Vietnam

    Managed marketplace for back-office services

    Arist (S20)

    Workforce training via text message

    Quality Assurance platform for Machine Learning Systems

    Array Labs (S22)

    Building satellites to create the first real-time high-resolution map of the world

    Atla (S23)

    Building helpful and honest AI assistant for legal teams

    Aviron is high-intensity Peloton for rowing

    Axle (S22)

    Axle is “Plaid for Insurance”, focused on auto insurance to start

    Enables any healthcare organization to send health professionals in-home

    Bamboo (W20)

    We're building Fidelity for Africa

    Bend (S22)

    Track companies as they cut carbon, and measure your supply chain footprint

    India's first and only Marriage Super App for 100M people

    Helping businesses in Africa pay their international suppliers

    Cedalio (S23)

    The easiest way to store auditable and traceable data

    Cercli (S23)

    Automating payroll, HR, compliance, onboarding & more for MENA

    Cerrion (S22)

    Helps manufacturers automatically detect problems on their production lines using Computer Vision

    India's one-stop Telemedicine Platform & Online Pharmacy for Dermatology

    Diagnosing Alzheimer’s 3x more accurately than a doctor - all from your cellphone

    Creizer (W22)

    We provide revenue-based financing to online sellers

    Crew (S21)

    Modern all-in-one recruiting CRM that helps you hire the A players

    We are building crypto wallet for the next billion users without the necessity to be a crypto geek

    Online counseling designed for teens

    Docsum (S23)

    AI contract reviewer for sales teams

    Drapr (S20)

    We let shoppers try on clothing online

    Drip (S22)

    Drip is Klarna for Brazil, built on Pix

    Dr. Treat (S22)

    Tech-enabled modern veterinary designed to give your pet highly personalized care

    Earth AI (S19)

    EARTH AI is the world’s most efficient mineral explorer

    Embrace (S19)

    Mobile teams find, recreate and fix every error easily

    Adapt automated sales emails with AI to build B2B sales intelligence

    Enable.us (W21)

    B2B Hub for Virtual Selling

    Evoly (S22)

    Makes smart electric and water meters as a service

    Fastgen (W23)

    Webflow for the Backend

    Fiber AI (S23)

    Reimagined, AI-powered Marketo for startups

    Finblox (W22)

    A crypto neobank for the emerging markets

    Flat.mx (S20)

    We're the Opendoor of Mexico

    Fleek (W22)

    B2B wholesale marketplace for second-hand fashion

    We make it easy for developers to deploy scalable, secure applications without any devops

    Flowly (S21)

    The VR version of Calm with a focus on reducing chronic pain for 100 million Americans

    Fly.io (W20)

    Fly.io runs app servers close to users

    Fynn (W20)

    ISAs for Trade Schools

    Greywing (W21)

    Greywing automates crew changes and vessel operations

    Gridware (W21)

    Makes hardware devices that help utilities identify when and where power lines will cause wildfires

    GroMo (W21)

    GroMo is an app for agents to sell insurance in India

    Gullak is a mobile app that automates savings & invests these in Gold

    Honeydew (W23)

    The home for shared data logic

    Supporting companies to recruit their slow-skilled talents at scale in no time

    Adapt automated sales emails with AI to build B2B sales intelligence

    We build technology and tools for traders.

    Building underwater robotics vehicles which collect battery metals without harming the environment

    InEvent (S19)

    Advanced event software for enterprises

    Infinia (W23)

    Helping merchants accept bank payments in LATAM

    Intently (W23)

    Helping sales teams automatically identify the best targets using AI

    Invofox (S22)

    Automatic data extraction from invoices

    Invopop (W23)

    We help global software companies comply with local tax reporting

    Jeeves (S20)

    International infrastructure built from scratch, starting with corporate cards for startups in Mexico, Canada and UK

    Jestor (S21)

    No-code tool for operations teams

    Juno (S19)

    A coding school for underemployed university graduates

    JustPaid (W23)

    AI-powered financial controller automating bill pay and invoicing

    A bank account and credit card for Canadian SMBs

    Khabri (S19)

    Audio platform for education serving non-english users

    Grocery and everyday essentials app in Pakistan

    Koywe (W23)

    Crypto On and Off Ramp for Latam

    Laskie (W21)

    Enterprise platform for professional services

    Lofty AI (S19)

    We help people buy homes with Zero risk

    MadEats (S21)

    Building high quality internet food brands engineered for delivery

    We are 'Salesforce' for retail distribution in Africa

    Mercator (S22)

    Mapping tools for vehicle fleets

    Milio (W23)

    B2B payments infrastructure for emerging markets

    Momentu (S22)

    Corporate mental health platform for Latin America

    Mudafy (S19)

    Compass for Latin America

    Largest dermatology virtual clinic in LATAM

    Narrative (W23)

    Bill.com for logistics

    Novig (S22)

    The first commission-free, high-frequency sports betting exchange

    Transform any software to multi-cloud SaaS in minutes not years

    Building Gong.io for offline retail

    Outset (S23)

    AI-powered user research

    Pair AI (W23)

    Reimagining education with short form video and AI

    Shortening the supply chain between restaurants and wholesalers

    Banking as a Service provider for Latam

    Payflow (S21)

    A mobile app that allows employees to get paid their salary on-demand

    Peakflo (W22)

    We streamline receivables and payables for growing SMBs in SE Asia

    Peeba (W23)

    Faire for Asia

    Philippo (W22)

    We provide homeowners in Latam access to their home equity.

    Pillar (S21)

    Health coaching as a service

    Proglix (W23)

    B2B Marketplace for Raw Materials in Indonesia

    Performance ads & discovery for marketplaces

    Queenly (W21)

    Best way to help women find the exact dress they are looking for

    Recall.ai (W20)

    Recall is Plaid for voice and video intelligence.

    DNA Diagnostics and Deep insights, IVF clinics, Research

    The Open Source Zapier of AI Agents

    Rider (W22)

    Rider is modern parcel delivery for Pakistan.

    Provides a React State Management Library and infrastructure for building real-time collaboration

    We are Gusto for India

    SaveIN (W22)

    SaveIN is Buy now, Pay later for healthcare in India

    Scanbase (W23)

    The API for Diagnostic Test Analysis

    Seabound (W22)

    We capture CO2 emissions from ships

    Sekilo (W22)

    We are a daily needs platform that guarantees 15 minutes deliveries using a network of dark stores

    Pricing intelligence for healthcare providers

    Helps you know your body and guides you to live a healthier and more beautiful life

    B2B marketplace for Auto Dealers in Africa

    Sitenna (S21)

    We connect the market by mapping assets and using workflows to speed up the process

    Slauth.io (S22)

    Access management platform to secure the cloud

    Spine AI (S23)

    Simplify the building of AI copilots for enterprise products

    AI for corporate R&D tax credits

    Stackshine automates software management operations for IT teams

    Starling (W22)

    Remote patient monitoring of urine

    Tool and platform to create and sell webcomics

    1000x faster cloud compute

    Full-stack telehealth for neurodegenerative disease

    Syncly (W23)

    AI to automatically analyze all your customer emails

    Theya (W23)

    The world's simplest Bitcoin self-custody solution

    Together (S19)

    Enterprise SaaS to run an internal employee mentoring programs

    Datadog for analytics and marketing teams

    Tranch (S22)

    We’re a buy now pay later solution for SaaS and Services

    The developer-first open source Zapier alternative

    Fixing bad GPS positions and incomplete map data on the last mile

    Trusty (W22)

    Private MLS for exclusive off-market real estate

    Turing (W20)

    Replace consumer brand's formulation testing loop development with our software

    Typewise (S22)

    Text prediction to boost productivity in customer service and sales

    Leading wine e-commerce company that is changing the way wine is bought and sold

    Sells homes directly to buyers -- they can tour any time and buy online with peace of mind

    We are an enterprise software that helps companies track and reduce their carbon emissions, focusing in Asia

    Scheduling software for digital health clinics to serve more

    Vaero (W23)

    Fivetran for log data

    Vahan (S19)

    Building a full-stack labor marketplace for the gig-economy in India

    Vellum (W23)

    Developer platform for building great AI applications

    API to verify and monitor healthcare licenses

    Improving the mental health of healthcare professionals

    Neobank for global remote workers

    WareIQ (S20)

    Amazon-prime like logistics for online brands in India

    Pharmacy automation platform that increases RX throughput & accuracy

    AI-powered copywriting and content marketing

    Wyvern (W22)

    High-res images from space to measure natural resources and crop health.

    Yassir (W20)

    Leading Super App for French Speaking Africa

    Yuma (W23)

    ChatGPT for customer support

    Z1 (W21)

    Digital bank for teenagers in LatAm

    Zuma (S21)

    Sales engagement platform that helps businesses create the fastest conversion experience for any internet lead

    Zywa (W22)

    Neobank for teenagers in the Middle East and North Africa

    AI system design tools for dev teams

    Arcane (W24)

    AI powered Roblox

    Chowdeck (W24)

    On-demand food delivery for Africa

    AI-powered meeting productivity suite

    AI-Powered Shipment Management for Commodity Traders

    Hazel (W24)

    AI-enabled procurement marketplace for government

    Hona (W24)

    AI to help physicians intake and treat patients

    Write Construction Inspections Reports using AI, up to 10x faster

    The modern operating system for construction

    Marr Labs (W24)

    AI-voice agents that are indistinguishable from humans.

    OffDeal (W24)

    AI-native investment bank for buying SMBs

    Openmart (W24)

    AI alternative to ZoomInfo

    PartnerHQ (W24)

    A marketplace for B2B businesses to buy warm intros.

    PointOne (W24)

    Automated timekeeping and billing for law firms.

    Pythagora (W24)

    OSS dev tool that builds entire apps from scratch by talking to you

    Reform (W24)

    Retool for logistics companies

    Reprompt (W24)

    Fix hallucinations without code

    Senso (W24)

    AI-Powered Knowledge Base for Customer Support

    Sonauto (W24)

    Create hit songs with AI

    Sonia (W24)

    AI Therapy for Mental Health

    Open-source AI-agents for doing web research

    sync labs (W24)

    An api for realtime lipsync

    TrueClaim (W24)

    Automatically saving self-insured companies 7% on healthcare

    Veles (W24)

    Copilot for Enterprise Software Sales

    Better surveys with AI

    Intermediary between copyrighted content and LLMs

  • Contact Us

    Rebel Fund only invests in Y Combinator-backed startups and does not respond to unsolicited investment offers. Founders can apply to Y Combinator here.